Archive for November, 2017

Golden Spoons Review: Boggy Sand Café
(CNS Foodie): In the mood for a change of scenery, my companion and I decided a small trip to West Bay was in order, plus the opening of a new café had caught my eye. We found the place fairly easily; the Boggy Sand Café is in the car park next door to Foster’s Republix. […]

7MB #25 on travel website’s best beach list
(CNS Business): Grand Cayman’s Seven Mile Beach has come in at number 25 on a list of the world’s top fifty beaches by a Canadian online travel company. Around 1,800 beaches were said to have been evaluated and some 600 of world’s best travel journalists, editors, bloggers and agencies were consulted by Flight Network to […]

People on the Move: Carey Olsen adds to finance practice
(CNS Business): This month, offshore law firm Carey Olsen has expanded its finance practice in the Cayman Islands with the appointment of Dylan Wiltermuth, who has joined the firm as counsel. The firm said Wiltermuth is an experienced Cayman Islands lawyer who specialises in all aspects of structured finance and securitisation transactions, as well as […]

Commerce minister promises support for SMEs
(CNS Business): Joey Hew, the new minister for commerce in the Unity government, has said that the 2018/19 budget includes funding to support the small and micro business sector and that this administration is also aiming to reduce fees for them as well as cutting regulations and red tape that serve no purpose or are more […]

Scott defends Cayman at offshore conference
(CNS Business): The CEO of Cayman Finance, Jude Scott, defended the Cayman Islands’ financial services sector at an offshore conference in London recently. Taking a seat alongside several high-profile journalists at the 6th Annual OffshoreAlert Europe Conference in London, he was the only panelist representing the financial industry in a discussion about the recent data hack and leak […]

Golden Spoons Review: Catch
(CNS Foodie): My partner and I were in the mood for al fresco dining, especially somewhere with an ocean view. Catch was our choice and we were looking forward to the evening out, but unluckily Mother Nature decided to let it rain. Despite the dismal weather, which surprised us, as we scampered to the restaurant […]

DoT signs new PR deal with Canadian firm
(CNS Business): The Cayman Islands Department of Tourism has signed up a new public relations firm in Canada to help promote the destination to that market. Although the DoT had a company promoting the islands in the country, Aerial Communications Group based won the latest competitive tender aimed at boosting visitors from that country. “The Cayman […]

Building society squeezes clients to increase CI profits
(CNS Business): JN Cayman, a member of the Jamaica National Group, revealed a whopping 404% increase in its earnings during the 2016/17 financial year when it posted profits of CI$668,000, compared to a loss of CI$219,000 in the previous year. Managing director Damion Hylton told shareholders at the recent annual general meeting of the JN Cayman that […]

CUC sends new team to help BVI
(CNS Busines): A second group of linepersons from CUC’s transmission and distribution (T&D) operations department was sent to assist the British Virgin Islands Electricity Corporation (BVIEC) with the restoration of power following the passing of Hurricane Irma and Hurricane Maria in September. Andrew Wood, supervisor line services, is heading up the team, which arrived in […]

Scott defends Queen’s use of Cayman funds
(CNS Business): After the first revelations from the hacked documents that have been dubbed the Paradise Papers began making headlines around the world Sunday, Jude Scott, CEO of Cayman Finance, has defended the British monarch’s use of Cayman Islands funds and what he said is the legitimate use of offshore financial services by many investors. […]

Financial services gets budget boost
(CNS Business): Funding for the financial services sector has increased considerably in the 2018/19 budgets, the new minister for the sector, Tara Rivers, revealed in the Legislative Assembly Monday, as she stressed the need to protect the industry and underscored the importance of the sector to the local economy. Rivers revealed that while money would […]

Southwest Airlines plans new service from Houston
(CNS Business): Hot on the heels of recent revelations about the continued record-breaking success of overnight tourism in the Cayman Islands, ministry officials were welcoming an announcement from Southwest Airlines that it will begin a seasonal summer service from Houston, Texas, to Grand Cayman in June 2018. This addition of service is set to begin almost exactly […]

US partner pulls out of deal with Health City
(CNS Business): The faith-based US healthcare provider, Ascension, has pulled out of its partnership with Health City Cayman Islands, the East End hospital founded by the internationally renowned Indian cardiac surgeon, Devi Shetty. Since the state-of-the-art facility was first conceived and then through the construction and opening, the hospital’s goals have changed, and the ending […]

Cayman gears up for CFATF review
(CNS Business): The attorney general has said that the Portfolio of Legal Affairs, the Ministry of Financial Services and CIMA have been working with the public sector agencies and private sector stakeholders to get the jurisdiction in a state of readiness for the upcoming evaluation by the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF) Mutual Evaluation […]
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