Tag: Cayman Enterprise City

Club teaches programming skills
(CNS Business): Caymanians interested in careers in computer programming are being trained in that skill in the recently launched Enterprise Cayman Coding Club. A partnership between the Cayman Enterprise City (CEC) special economic zone and the Cayman Islands Government, Enterprise Cayman started the club to help locals gain computer programming skills and experience, to obtain […]

Tech zone makes deal for conference series
(CNS Business): Cayman Enterprise City (CEC) has announced a five-year deal with the Internet Marketing Association to host annual Impact Cayman conferences on the islands over the next five years, and is expected to attract overseas delegates and boost visitor numbers. The first conference was held in April after Premier Alden McLaughlin attended the IMA’s […]

Cayman pushes maritime business
(CNS Business): Government is hoping that a new conference will help boost the country’s growing maritime business. The Cayman Islands Shipping Registry and industry partners, including Maples and Calder and Cayman Maritime Services Park from Cayman Enterprise City, have joined forces to create an annual event. It is hoped that Cayman Maritime Week will promote the […]

CEC added US $70M to local economy
(CNS Business): Cayman Enterprise City officials say that the special economic zone (SEZ) has attracted 60 new companies over the past year, that its impact to the local economy since its creation is nearly US$70 million and that there are now around 300 zone-based employees. Almost five years after former premier McKeeva Bush announced plans for a deal […]

Tech zone tenant offers to train locals in specialist work
(CNS Business): A manufacturing company which makes special purpose components for the information and communications technology sector has said it is looking to train two or three local science graduates for jobs at the company. According to a release from Cayman Enterprise City (CEC), Fabrilink SEZC, a tenant in the designated special economic zone, intends […]

Tech city to be built in Fairbanks area
(CNS Business): Well over four years after promising a campus to transform Cayman into a technological centre of excellence, the current management team of Cayman Enterprise City has settled on a site in the Fairbanks area of George Town for the tech zone’s actual campus. Since government passed a special law for the proposed project […]

CEC seeking summer interns
(CNS Business): Cayman’s special economic zone is seeking young entrepreneurs to participate in their “Summer in the City” internship programme. Cayman Enterprise City (CEC) is inviting young professionals to apply for several internships that are available through the programme to “gain interesting experience with international zone companies; some in technology, others in media or commodities”, […]

Maritime Services Park coming to Cayman
(CNS Business): In efforts to attract global maritime services business to set up a physical presence in Cayman, the government has agreed to partner with Cayman Enterprise City (CEC) to introduce a Maritime Services Park. Officials said this initiative represents an opportunity to leverage the quality of the islands’ flag and jurisdiction, which would significantly […]

CIG is helping economic growth, claims premier
(CNS): Economic activity is on the up, Premier Alden McLaughlin has said, and his government is helping things along. Marketing Cayman as a great place to do business was a key focus of the Progressive administration, he said at the Chamber of Commerce Legislative Lunch last week, as he revealed a number of new initiatives, […]

CEC pays for premier’s Vegas trip
(CNS Business): Cayman Enterprise City stumped up the cash to send Premier Alden McLaughlin to Las Vegas last month, hoping to win new business for Cayman at a three-day technology conference, officials said. The premier addressed an audience of more than 30 CEOs of technology brands, telling the positive story of the islands, and also […]
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