
Private eye allegations ‘incredibly damaging’

Private eye allegations ‘incredibly damaging’

| 02/03/2017 | 6 Comments

(CNS Business): The Cayman Islands Law Society has described the speculative allegations made, without any proof, by Alva Suckoo in the Legislative Assembly on Monday night as “incredibly damaging” and urged all parties to refrain from further speculation and let the appropriate authorities handle this matter, should a formal complaint be made. In a short […]

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JGHS students learn about legal careers

JGHS students learn about legal careers

| 28/02/2017 | 0 Comments

(CNS Local Life): John Gray High School (JGHS) students recently learned about legal internships at a local law firm along with educational options at the Cayman Islands Further Education Centre. Representatives of HSM IP, including two people who participated in the CIFEC programme, spoke about internship possibilities at a JGHS assembly held Friday, 24 February.

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LA to tackle a dozen offshore laws

LA to tackle a dozen offshore laws

| 22/02/2017 | 1 Comment

(CNS Business): The financial services minister will be dominating the legislative agenda when the Legislative Assembly opens Wednesday morning with almost a dozen offshore laws set to be debated by legislators ahead of evaluation by the Caribbean Financial Action Task Force (CFATF) later this year. Government is expected to deal with a significant amount of business […]

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Clerks back proposed lawyers law

Clerks back proposed lawyers law

| 21/02/2017 | 50 Comments

(CNS Business): A group of article clerks, law school graduates and students have offered their support in writing to the Legal Practitioners Bill. The letter sent to all 18 members of the Legislative Assembly from the trainee lawyers said they were the ones who stand to be “most affected” by the proposed legislation and felt […]

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Scott serves up CI financial sector at NY breakfast

Scott serves up CI financial sector at NY breakfast

| 14/02/2017 | 0 Comments

(CNS): Cayman Finance CEO Jude Scott served up a detailed helping of the Cayman Islands financial services sector at a New York breakfast earlier this month to over 150 people. Scott told the New York financiers that Cayman was a well regulated jurisdiction that was important to the global economy. “The Cayman Islands is the […]

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Panton challenges constant regulatory change

Panton challenges constant regulatory change

| 14/02/2017 | 1 Comment

(CNS Business): Financial Services Minister Wayne Panton has pointed to the constant changes and jumping around in the global regulatory environment as a major flaw that prevents solutions being able to show their worth before they are replaced. Speaking in Brussels earlier this month about offshore regulation, he said the fundamental flaw that undermines the […]

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Premier heads to London for Brexit talks

Premier heads to London for Brexit talks

| 02/02/2017 | 7 Comments

(CNS Business): The premier will be heading to London Friday with a small government team for the special meeting with UK officials and the heads of other overseas territories on the thorny issue of Brexit and how it will impact Cayman and the other British dependent territories. The Joint Ministerial Council Brexit meeting was agreed […]

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Minister optimistic over OECD assessment

Minister optimistic over OECD assessment

| 24/01/2017 | 2 Comments

(CNS Business): Financial Services Minister Wayne Panton says he is optimistic that the report on the local financial service sector’s compliance with international standards will be a good one. A team of assessors from the OECD Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes visited Cayman earlier this month to conduct the peer review […]

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Fidelity drops debate from conference

Fidelity drops debate from conference

| 24/01/2017 | 2 Comments

(CNS Business): Although this is an election year in Cayman, the annual economic conference organised by Fidelity Bank will not include a panel debate or a head-to-head with politicians. The Cayman Economic Outlook conference will, as usual, include an address from the premier but there will be no panel debate and no other politicians in […]

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Glidden confirmed as CIMA’s banking boss

Glidden confirmed as CIMA’s banking boss

| 19/01/2017 | 0 Comments

(CNS Business): The acting head of the Banking Supervision Division at the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority has been confirmed in the post. On 1 January Gloria Glidden was given the official title for a job she has be doing since last year. Officials said she would continue to provide supervision of both international and commercial […]

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Trump’s Treasury pick failed to disclose Cayman funds

Trump’s Treasury pick failed to disclose Cayman funds

| 19/01/2017 | 1 Comment

(CNS Business): US President-elect Donald Trump’s pick to be treasury secretary, the controversial former Goldman Sachs banker, Steven Mnuchin, failed to disclose nearly $100 million of his assets to the Senate Finance Committee, the US press is reporting. Mnuchin, known to most Americans as the man who foreclosed on thousands of people’s homes in the […]

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High hopes that lawyers bill will pass

High hopes that lawyers bill will pass

| 12/01/2017 | 1 Comment

(CNS Business): At the opening of the Grand Court Wednesday, Attorney General Samuel Bulgin and the leaders of the two legal professional bodies were all in agreement that the latest draft of the Legal Practitioners Bill was a compromise that most of the profession could support. The attorneys all expressed the hope that this year […]

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CIMA releases 2015 Investments Statistical Digest

CIMA releases 2015 Investments Statistical Digest

| 09/01/2017 | 0 Comments

(CNS Business): The Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA) has released the 9th edition of the Investments Statistical Digest, which outlines the information that is required to be filed by all regulated funds via the Funds Annual Return (FAR), through CIMA’s electronic reporting systems, up to financial year ends December 2015. The document shows that while […]

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Cayman holds bank de-risking discussions in DC

Cayman holds bank de-risking discussions in DC

| 09/01/2017 | 1 Comment

(CNS Business): Ministry of Financial Services and Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA) officials recently held a second round of meetings in Washington DC with key US Congressional staff, regulators and stakeholders about bank de-risking from the Caribbean perspective. The Cayman officials then contributed to Financial Stability Board discussions on an action plan to address the […]

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$630 million BOP deficit offset by services surplus

$630 million BOP deficit offset by services surplus

| 20/12/2016 | 1 Comment

(CNS Business): Cayman’s $629.6 million current account deficit in its balance of payments for 2015 was partially offset by the surplus from trade in services amounting to $757.6 million, according to the Economics and Statistics Office. The Balance of Payments (BOP) and International Investment Position (IIP) Report 2015 was released Friday and it details the economic and […]

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