
UN expert calls on new boss to abolish tax havens

UN expert calls on new boss to abolish tax havens

| 18/10/2016 | 2 Comments

(CNS Business): The new United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres, is being asked by one of the body’s human rights experts to call a world conference on tax avoidance and evasion, with the goal of abolishing all tax havens. The UN’s independent expert on the promotion of a democratic and equitable international order, Alfred de Zayas, […]

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Britain’s OT minister backs Cayman’s offshore sector

Britain’s OT minister backs Cayman’s offshore sector

| 13/10/2016 | 0 Comments

(CNS Business): During her recent trip to the Cayman Islands, Baroness Anelay attempted to soothe fears that pressure from the world’s most powerful economies for increasing transparency in the offshore sector will eventually undermine the financial services success in jurisdictions like Cayman. When the UK’s overseas territories minister met with members of Cayman Finance, she […]

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Minister to make case for lawyers’ law

Minister to make case for lawyers’ law

| 12/10/2016 | 18 Comments

(CNS Business): After almost 15 years of wrangling over a law to regulate the legal profession, the current financial services minister, a former offshore lawyer himself, is hoping he can finally steer through new legislation. But despite getting backing from the Cayman Islands Law Society and the Caymanian Bar Association, Wayne Panton has not won […]

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Cayman National shareholders to receive dividend

Cayman National shareholders to receive dividend

| 05/10/2016 | 0 Comments

(CNS Business): Cayman National Corporation (CNC) have announced a net income of over $9 million in the third quarter and the payment of an interim dividend of 5 cents per share. According to the CNC Board of Directors, this dividend will be paid on Wednesday 12 October to shareholders of record as at 11 October […]

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Cayman captives boosted by non-traditional risk

Cayman captives boosted by non-traditional risk

| 22/09/2016 | 0 Comments

(CNS Business): So far, 2016 has been a very active year for new captive insurance formations, with 23 new licences granted over the first six months of the year, according to the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority. This number exceeded the issuance of licences in the whole of 2015. “Historically, November and December are the busiest […]

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Minister presents revamped lawyers law

Minister presents revamped lawyers law

| 14/09/2016 | 59 Comments

(CNS Business): After almost fifteen years and half a dozen attempts to pass the legislation, Financial Services Minister Wayne Panton has come up with a legal practitioners bill that has the support of the legal profession in Cayman and provides for the development and protection of local attorneys. Calling it an “immense improvement”, Panton said […]

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CIMA appoints temporary banking boss

CIMA appoints temporary banking boss

| 14/09/2016 | 2 Comments

(CNS Business): Still plagued by staff shortages, including holes in its management team, the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority has appointed Gloria Glidden as the acting head of itsbanking supervision division. Glidden will take up the job on 1 October following the resignation of the current boss, Charles Ilako, who leaves at the end of this […]

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Ministry brings key bills ahead of task force review

Ministry brings key bills ahead of task force review

| 12/09/2016 | 0 Comments

(CNS Business): The financial services minister will be presenting another four bills at the forthcoming meeting of the Legislative Assembly in order to ensure Cayman successfully clears next year’s Caribbean Financial Action Task Force’s (CFATF) mutual evaluation process and improve the financial sector’s regulatory framework. The four pieces of legislation are intended to maintain Cayman’s adherence to […]

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UK bill to open details on multinational tax avoidance

UK bill to open details on multinational tax avoidance

| 07/09/2016 | 0 Comments

(CNS Business): A legislative amendment in the UK this week will give the British government the power to publish details of tax payments made by UK-based multinational corporations on a country by country basis, as tax authorities try to clamp down on the abuse of tax laws and aggressive tax avoidance. The change in the […]

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Trust conference to attract overseas experts

Trust conference to attract overseas experts

| 01/09/2016 | 0 Comments

(CNS Business): Over 150 trust and private wealth specialists from Cayman, the United Kingdom and the United States will be attending a day-long conference on Grand Cayman next month, bringing a small but welcome boost of business during the low tourism season as well as promoting the off shore sector.  The major trust and private […]

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Italy places Cayman on ‘whitelist’

Italy places Cayman on ‘whitelist’

| 01/09/2016 | 2 Comments

(CNS Business): Cayman’s financial services industry received a boost last month when the Italian government revealed that it now has the jurisdiction on its whitelist. As a result of a European assessment of offshore financial centers, Cayman had ended up, local officials believe unfairly, on the blacklist of a number of European countries. The CEO […]

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Notes on BO exchange details published

Notes on BO exchange details published

| 30/08/2016 | 8 Comments

(CNS Business): The arrangements under which the UK law enforcement authorities will be able to access information on the beneficial owners of offshore companies registered in Cayman have been posted on the FCO website for several months, though local officials say that the technical aspects of how the data will be accessed is still being […]

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Caribbean banks hope IMF can solve de-risking-risk

Caribbean banks hope IMF can solve de-risking-risk

| 30/08/2016 | 1 Comment

(CNS Business): The Caribbean Association of Banks (CAB) has welcomed recent remarks by Christine Lagarde, Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), over the problem of correspondent banks in the region de-risking and hopes that the organisation can help stop the current trend. As larger, mainly North American banks end their relationships with regional […]

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Ex-Cayman banker dodges jail term in Switzerland

Ex-Cayman banker dodges jail term in Switzerland

| 24/08/2016

(CNS Business): A former offshore banker who was based in the Cayman Islands before he blew the whistle on his former bosses at Julius Bäer, accusing them of assisting clients with tax evasion and leaking sensitive account information to Wikileaks, will not go to prison. Rudolf Elmer (60) was given a 14-month suspended sentence after […]

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Liquidators on trail of fugitive for missing $4M

Liquidators on trail of fugitive for missing $4M

| 16/08/2016 | 8 Comments

(CNS Business): Joint liquidators trying to untangle the affairs of Ryan Bateman and the group of Cayman-registered companies he once owned and managed have filed another winding up petition and are on the fugitive’s trail for some $4 million of investors cash and assets that has gone astray from Bateman & Company. The Canadian national absconded […]

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