Kilpatrick receives captive industry award
(CNS Business): Ian Kilpatrick, founder of Advantage International Management, is the recipient of the Captive Insurance Companies Association (CICA) 2015 Distinguished Service Award. The award recognises individuals or organisations that have made significant contributions to advancing the captive insurance industry. Kilpatrick was presented with the prestigious award at the CICA 2015 International Conference by President Dennis Harwick.
“This award is given to someone who has contributed to the broader understanding of captives and has assisted in the growth and success of the industry; someone who has raised the reputation of the industry, promoted professionalism, creativity and ground-breaking ideas for the industry; someone who has taught others how to succeed; and someone who is an industry leader, whose opinions are respected. Ian Kilpatrick is all of those things. He is also one of the great characters of the captive insurance industry,” Harwick stated.
Kilpatrick has spent 40 years in insurance and financial operations and has been an active advocate of the captive insurance industry. He is a founding member of the Insurance Managers Association of Cayman (IMAC), also a founding member of Crusader International Group of Companies, now Advantage International Holdings, which expanded from the Cayman Islands to South Carolina, Arizona and Washington DC and most recently serving as the captive industry’s voice in interfacing with the OECD.
Kilpatrick thanked CICA and the industry for the honour of the award at the event.
“Naturally, I am delighted to have won the award and am humbled by it”, he said. Kilpatrick added, “I was fortunate enough early on and throughout my career to have had the very best teachers in the industry at a time when knowledge of captives was not as available as it is now,” he stated.
Category: Finance, Financial Services
Well done Ian. Along with Fred Rice and Tim Ridley you were one of the pioneers of the Captive Insurance Industry in the Cayman Islands in the 70s and your reputation spans the world from Cayman to Bermuda, the US, London and across the world. I happened to be halfway across the Pacific several years ago in the remote island of Tonga and even the Royal Family knew of you.. Your award is fully deserved and in my humble opinion, long overdue. Long may you prosper.
I totally agre with Chris. Ian is the reason why captive insuracance companies have prospered in cayman