Tag: Tara Rivers

Student programme to encourage careers in financial services
(CNS Business): The launch of a new student education and work experience programme is set to spark early engagement for Caymanian students interested in careers in the financial services industry. The 12-week programme targets Year 12 students who are job-ready and aims at putting more young professionals to work in this industry.

Employment agency looks for accountability from job hunters
(CNS Business): Job seekers registered with the NWDA who appear to have trouble holding down a job will now be accountable and employers will be required to say why they did or did not hire an applicant sent to them by the National Workforce Development Agency, according to Employment Minister Tara Rivers. The NWDA is […]

Technology improvements at NWDA
(CNS Business): There have been significant improvements to the technology to support the system at the National Workforce Development Agency (NWDA) regarding both the website as well as the various database interfaces, according to Employment Minister Tara Rivers, who said that improvements would continue over the coming year. Building on the shared interface with immigration, […]

National Internship Programme launched
(CNS Business): The target group for the National Workforce Development Agency’s new National Internship Programme is college students studying locally or abroad, according to Employment Minister Tara Rivers. However, she said it is also open to others who may want to “try before they buy†regarding their career path.  Chaquira Hodgson is the first intern […]

‘Vast improvements’ at NWDA
(CNS): Generally the feedback about the changes that have happened at the National Workforce Development Agency have been positive, according to Employment Minister Tara Rivers, who said that a number of clients have noticed the vast improvements from where the agency was a year ago. This includes a new upfront assessment system to identify people […]
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